Rare Earth Extraction from Coal to Power Industry 4.0™ (“REE-CO 4.0”)

Coal Mines Emerging as Source of Rare Earth Elements

Coal mines on two continents are showing significant concentration of rare earth elements (REE). 
  • One mine in USA projects its $2 million value may now be $37 billion
US Department of Energy R&D suggests extraction from coal can be done faster, safer and more environmentally sound  It is prudent for mine owners to determine if there is unlocked value.   Pangea, via its geoscience partner Terroleum UGC, has created a specialized testing program. 

Pangea Seeks to Accelerate Commercialization of US DOE REE Efforts

Engage Overseas Mine Owners and International Investment Community 

Encourage coal mines to validate REE via phased testing.  

Provide road map for mines to pursue pilot and commercial plant—See flow chart 

ID investors to fund a mass deployment  

Integrated 4-Pronged Approach Propels Capability

REE-CO 4.0 is a key component of Pangea’s C.O.R.E. Program (Carbon and Ore Repositioning and Extraction’ Reduce and Monetize Carbon). These vertically integrated geologic-based C.O.R.E. activities uniquely propel REE-CO 4.0 and include: 

Reposition Surface Mines 

  • REE-CO 4.0:  Five large entities in EU and Central Asia are interested in rare earth extraction from coal  
  • USA track record: Converted shuttered mines into a) marina, b) residential, c) multimodal park 

Convert Fossil Pollution-to-Profit™  

  • Dormant O&G wells into geothermal power plant  
  • Convert coal emissions into fertilizer via ammonia-based technology 

Expand USA LNG into Eastern Europe 

  • Pangea’s US-BG team won $55mm gas pipeline bid 
  • Secured $839mm LOI from US EXIM for proposed gas modernization 


Deploy Geothermal to Power EU Communities and DOD Bases in Europe 

Why timely/why focus

  1. “$2 Million Coal Mine that Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure”   
  • Wall Street Journal Nov 2023 
  • ‘Wyoming discovery could be America’s first new source of rare-earth elements since 1952’ 


  1. USDOE leads the world in environmentally sound tech; 10 yrs. of US DOE R&D could be pathway  


  1. US policy open to “friend shoring” 


  1. It takes 15-20 years to open new REE mine—informally a DOE official indicated it may only take 1-2 years to permit a mine mouth extraction facility. 


  1. Massive Demand 
  • “major additional investments are still needed to meet the world’s energy and climate objectives”. 
  • See IEA Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024 


  1. Value to Stakeholders 
  1. REE needed to Power Industry 4.0™ 
  1. Increased asset value.  
  1. New, sustainable revenue.  
  1. Create/retain mining jobs 
  1. Help create new industry 
  1. Greece could become an international leader 


  1. US Extraction Tech Could Produce Other Value Adds to mining operations. 


  • International geoscience consultancy and engineering firm.  
  • Featuring proprietary Vertically Integrated Program to Target REE Sampling (‘VIP-TREE’) 


  • Financial advisory and fund manager expert in Export Credit Agencies and Development Finance Institutions  
  • Early-stage investor in utility scale geothermal projects with funding from German government and European Union  
  • Technology/Market Evaluation – Teriva Associates 
  • Energy tech advisor helping review best available REE extraction tech: Teriva 


US DoE has Systematically Funded Multiple Innovations and Pilot Plants to Extract REE from Coal

Pangea’s REE Extraction Development Road Map

TBD: Track Record: Repositioning Surface Mines

From ‘Moonscape’ to Magnificent –taking bold action 

Repositioned Florida Dolomite Mine into Marina Village with Public Park